So it’s a Thursday afternoon, and we are getting ready to
move to a clear desk system at work. I
hate clear desk systems. And to make it
harder, they are taking away desk drawers and moving to a hot desk model. Yuck.
I spend so much time at my desk, that I like to have photos up and post
its etc. I have always been this
way. My first real desk at an insurance
brokers, more years than I care to count ago, was covered in photos of my
friends and family.
So, today, I set out to clear off my desk. To clear out the drawers and to throw away a
lot of stuff. I found all manner of
things. I found fold up Frisbees, that
are now being thrown around the office, I found ex staff passes, I found a lot
of stuff that belongs to a team I have not worked in for 2 years. It all went back to them to deal with.
This time three years ago, I was a home for Christmas. It was for my sisters wedding. Since then, I have another nephew to bore
people silly with. His name is Archie
and he is adorable. It was a great
Christmas – I spent it in the sunshine, we sat outside, ate way to much and I
enjoyed seeing my family. I headed up
the coast for New Year, had a great wee impromptu concert with friends and
generally had the time of my life. Every now and then when I think about that Christmas, it makes me smile. My friends keep telling me how happy I looked and how content I seemed. Yep, London agrees with me.
Two years ago, I had my first and last pub Christmas. It was brilliant, lots of London orphans gathered together and ate till we could eat no more, drank till we could drink no more and generally ran amok. The next day we cested on couches and watched movies till way to late. I loved that Christmas so much. I miss the players of that Christmas - most of them are scattered around the globe now. But we will facetime on Christmas day, hopefully - hint hint, you know who you are!
Last Christmas I was in Brussels – freezing, not quite
snowing, and spent Christmas Eve in Brugges.
This year, I am heading to Norway with a group of friends, to try my
hand at a hostel Christmas. I am being
very brave, I really am not a hostel fan.
I am hoping for good wifi so that I can facetime with my family, there
is nothing better than speaking to excited nephews on Christmas Eve. Well maybe actually being there for cuddles
would be better, but this is a close second.
The number of times I have answered the question – Nicca are you coming
home for Christmas this year? To have to
say no and be answered with upset whining.
The only thing that heals that cut is a chat to them on Christmas
I love Christmas – I love the tacky decorations, I love the
iceskating, I love the buying and giving of gifts, I love the mulled wine, I
love the family or friends time, I love overfed naps and I love watching Christmas
movies like Love Actually. This year, as
with every other year, I reach this stage, the before I knock off for the year
stage, where I just want to slap a number of people and am at my wits end, and
then after a week or so off, I am back to my sunny happy self. I used to find a week at the beach did
wonders for my soul. The last few years
I have had to make do without the beach, but a few days off always makes me
feel better.
Christmas can be hard when you are so far from home, I remember as a child my aunt calling from England, how much that must have cost her! I am thankful for Facetime, which other than the cost of the internet is free. Its essential to surround yourself with an urban family and celebrate as hard as you can, so that you don't feel the ache of the people who are not there.
So that is my Christmas, a few nights away, with snow and
lots of booze – hopefully. Where are you
spending yours? What are you up
too? Do you love Christmas as much as
I love Christmas, but due to complicated travel plans I will be spending this Christmas alone in the bath, drinking champagne and eating turkey and cran toasted cheese sandwiches, listening to Deltron 3030 and counting down the hours before my stupid NZ dog wakes up so I can Skype that cute-as-shit canine because my Christmas wish is for Ralphie to finally realise it is ME inside that goddamn computer.... and then he will faint and it will go viral. Seriously - I do really love Xmas too Nic - its the most wonderful time of the year and living with you certainly takes the feeling to the next level. Keep the blogs coming pls, will need something to read oncce I have finished Serial XXXXX :) Love ya!
Awww Elissa, loving Christmas is such a fun thing! I will be snowed in with a bunch of randoms in a hostel, eating pasta and drinking duty free wine. Maybe there will be a sauna where I can get too hot and then be forced to roll in the snow naked. We can only hope. I will be surrounded by too tall natives, who will pat me on the head and ask me to reach their bags on the floor. But I will return to you in time to give you one last hug before you leave me forever. Luvs you xxxx
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