Saturday, 17 September 2011

The M Word

I can’t stand the word Moist.  In fact even typing it just then made me mini vom in my mouth.  So from now on we are going to call it the M word.  I don’t want to hear about M word muffins, m word days, or even M word towelettes.  I hate that word.  It makes my skin crawl.  I hate the way your mouth moves to form the word and the sound that it makes is kinda like it is.  Gross.

This has spurred a whole host of interesting M word incidents.  Once at my office in NZ, I came back to my desk to find it covered in post its with the M word written on them.  On the phone, the calculator, the screen, the keyboard – everywhere.  I was kind of flattered so I think that I have one of them around somewhere. 

I get texts from all over the world with the M word in them.  I get people constantly telling me that my baking is M word.  And often people say it just out of my hearing to see if I will react.  The other week at my favourite pub, whilst eating the vegan cake that a friend made for me, my friend J kept saying over and over again that the cake was M word.  I ignored it till I could ignore it no more and then had to explain why it made me gag.  Then he proceeded to stand behind the microphone and tell me that is guitar was M word and then sang Mustang Nic and used the M word in it.  Which was unpleasant for all.  Very inventive that one.

There are words that everyone dislikes.  My good friend B hates the word panties – makes him cringe everytime.  My friends at home hate the C word.  Whilst a friend here loves it as her favourite word.  Strange that one – I used to dislike it with a passion, then after reading some very feminist literature, I agreed with the need to reclaim it and now use it very sparingly and only when very appropriate.  But the point is that there are always words that make someone cringe.

There are also words that people really like.  I love the word Disgruntled – mainly cause if you are disgruntled, then at some point you must have been gruntled.  And the sound of the word gruntled makes me feel happy.  Another friend loves the word pebble.  That was a very drunken conversation so I am unsure as to why he loves it.
So what is your cringe word?  What is the word that you love to say?  Do you have a strong reaction to words or is it just me?  Or do more people dislike the M word?

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