Diesel (the jeans not the petrol) are currently running a campaign – Diesel Island – Land of the Stupid, Home of the Brave. It’s a very clever campaign and it got me thinking. How different are brave or stupid. When I decided to move to the UK people called me brave. The fact that I was going on my own, to a land where I knew no one and had never been before. Apparently this is brave or some people would call it stupid.
Most people were very supportive when I decided to move here. Whilst they were sad to see me go they knew that I needed to get this adventure out of my system. However, one of my friends parents, who I met for the first time about two weeks before I was due to go, basically told me off and said that I was foolhardy to go overseas on my own and that I should wait until I had found a man to go with me! I was gobsmacked as I felt that attitude was right out of the dark ages. I am very safety conscious and was not going to do anything to put myself in danger. And let’s face it, if I was waiting for a man, I would still be home and not enjoying my pretty cool life in London. The truth is I was too excited to be really scared of the unknown by coming over here. Sure the first 6 months whilst I found my feet were gruelling. And yes sometimes I get scared that I am missing my ‘real’ life back home, but I would not ever change this experience and I would encourage everyone who wants to do an OE to do it. Because I LOVE it!
I think that the jury is still out on if I am/was brave or stupid. Some days I swing one way, others I swing the other. And that think that is the point of the ad campaign. Some days when you are following your dreams, you feel like you are brave. You are cocksure, you are invincible. The next you are wondering what the hell you have gotten yourself into, what on earth you were thinking, and you second guess your every decision.
Throughout the history of the world the most brave ideas and feats have been equal parts brave and stupid. And I am by no means comparing my moving to the UK to any of these people, just using them as an example. The first time AJ Hackett bungy jumped, he could have died and then he would have been known for something very different. Jean Batten, Robert Scott, Sir Ed, all of them would have been called crazy or stupid and are in equal parts very brave. I felt brave when I bungy jumped. I was also pumped up on adrenaline and was very excited.
Life would be very different if these people were not brave. I used to think that my Mum was brave going to a movie on her own. Now I do it on a regular basis. I remember my Dad being miffed when I did it at home. I explained to him that I would not have to share my popcorn and that placated him for then. In fact now I do loads of stuff on my own. I kinda prefer it sometimes. I get my shopping done a lot faster and more efficiently if I go on my own. I think that woman who decide that they will raise their children on their own rather than stay in toxic relationships are brave, people who stand up for what they believe in and risk persecution in places like Egypt and Libya are brave. I would tell you that anyone who overcomes their fears is brave. Mainly cause I am unlikely to ever face my fear of spiders. I just don’t think that I have it in me. But I can take a leap of faith and move countries. But that is a story for another time.
So have you ever done anything brave that others think is stupid? Do you agree that brave/stupid is a subjective thing? What was the last brave thing that you did?
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