About 18 months ago I had the words ‘I’m alive, I’m a mess’ as my status on good ‘ol FB. They are Heather Nova lyrics to a song which I will happily sing at top volume in my own company. My sis commented ‘but a happy mess’. And I guess that sometimes sums me up. And the last two weeks have been nothing short of a happy mess. Despite the fact that things are going fairly average, I have been in a great mood. It’s been a while between drinks and here’s why…
Last week was a bit of a mixed bag. My office move went a bit tits up. We were supposed to move last Monday and we moved today. A week late. That involved living like you were travelling, out of tea crates. About 20 of them to be exact, which makes it fun when you are looking for one piece of paper. But on the upside I got to be with my Brixton mates a wee while longer. I am going to miss that nutty place. Brixton is horrid at the best of times but there is no debating that it has soul.
Monday was also the day when technology decided to hate me. My broadband at home packed up. I was most upset as I am about 3 episodes behind in True Blood and there was a few weeks of Home and Away to catch up on. I am proud to say that I managed to fix it myself after three days of tutuing with it. And a few calls to BT, only to find out that I broke it myself… Then my fav accessory, my iphone decided that it would lose battery after a few hours. This is an ongoing issue and I am feeling its loss acutely. I am currently lugging around a power cable at all times that gets plugged in where ever I am. Kinda defeats the purpose of a mobile phone. Then the work computers were not there at all. After locating them and plugging them in, I then find out that the building that we are supposed to be moving too is closed due to a power failure, that they have no idea as to what is causing it or how to fix. Hence the late move.
But last week had a number of ups. We won our touch game. I walked to work twice. I had dinner with a friend that I had not seen in ages and planned her bebe shower. My boss had her bebe who is super dooper cute. Had a girls night on Thursday night where we got blind drunk and I had a good rant in the cab on the way home, that has now earned me being called Nicole from now on. We had a fabulous day for the Hangi, where I caught up with another friend who I had not seen in years. The weather turned out a cracker day for London, the food and company was amazing. I was still dancing at about 1.45am to Katy Perry’s Firework. I met some fabulous new people – one of whom told me that I looked a bit like a blonde Katy Perry – despite her obvious sight issues we had a ball. I caught up with a friend from NZ for about an hour and fourty minutes – I was working, she was curled up on the couch late at night after a hard day working on the farm. She told me that I sounded happier than she had heard me in ages and you know what? She is right.
Right now I am taking joy in the small things. The fact that I am well enough to enjoy dancing at 1am. This time last year it was not the case. The fact that I have amazing friends who listen to me rant in a taxi after the 5 of us shared 8 bottles of wine. The few compliments that I have received this week – apparently I am endearing when I am drunk. Yay! A BBQ in a very exclusive roof garden after a hard days work. The taste of cider. The fact that now that I have given up energy drinks, I have energy to burn. Watching a friend get what I can only assume was good news as his eyes were a bit wet, but his mouth was smiling. After hugging him and telling him that he looked happy sad, he was smiling a bit more. Turns out that it was good news and I am thinking that Happy Sad is up there with Happy Mess. Seeing some friends of mine who have had a rough time lately, being unusually affectionate with each other. The 8 strong group hug that we all had last night. The smell of my biscuits – and being introduced as Nic – she makes amazing biscuits. I can think of worse things to be known as. Knowing that in 20 weeks NZ sunshine will be on my shoulders and my Sis and I will be singing Katy Perry together.
So yes, I am a happy mess right now. Its 11.35 and I am waiting for two batches of biscuits to cool before I go to bed, before starting it all again. Life is good and long may this feeling continue….
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