Friday, 28 June 2013

I'm Missing You...

Wow!  What a month it’s been.  I have wanted to write a number of times, about a number of exciting things that have been happening, but to be honest I have barely had time to sleep, let alone anything else.  There are so many things that I want to tell you all and I am sure that this weekend, when I have a very quiet, sleep filled weekend that they will all come out but for now I want to talk about my pub. 

As you all know, I have been embroiled in a two years plus, saga of trying to save a chunk of bricks and mortar that mean one hell of a lot to me.  This pub is where I found a rapidly disintegrating family.  Why is it disintegrating?  Because we don’t have a hub anymore.  We are trying our best to keep up but it’s proving harder than we all thought.  Especially for me.  I have been very busy with work over the last month, which has seen me working crazy hours, attending a number of out of work time public meetings, all of which has severely impacted on my social life.  In days gone by, it would be fine.  I would show up at the pub every Friday night, tired after a hard week, to a guaranteed friendly welcome and a good time.  I would walk in the door and someone would be asking me if I wanted a single or a double vodka, or a cider and black.  Even if it was just a few drinks and a sing a long, I would see a number of my friends and catch up.  Now without this regular Friday interaction, I am finding it challenging to see them.  Not because I don’t want to, not at all, but because life has begun to move on and we are 

So on Wednesday after a long day, I bullied myself into heading to military fitness.  To say I didn’t want to do it was an understatement.  I was hiding in the park until the last minute, so that if I decided to back out, the instructor would not have seen me.  But I did it.  The whole group was exhausted as was our instructor, we all worked hard, but our hearts were not in it.  The three of us were encouraging each other and jollying each other along.  When I was done, I was one happy, sweaty mess.  I was so damn proud of myself.  I trotted off to the bus and whilst waiting I checked out Facebook.  To be faced with this picture.

My heart sank.  I looked at it again, and felt tears gathering in my eyes.  The beginning of the end had finally arrived.  Work had begun on the pub.  The picture shows deep coring.  Which is what you do to find out if the land is suitable to be built on.  I can only hope that its not and we can have our pub back and this nightmare will be over.  I have been in a strange mood ever since.  I guess I just always thought that right would win out and we would one day have our pub back.

Looking at the photo, I am reminded of what seemed like endless summer days and nights in that garden.  The second story windows used to have a terrace and a grassed area under them, yes grass on the second floor.  In summer, on a good, proper summer day, we would climb out the window onto the terrace and sit on the grass with a bucket of ice and cider as the night descended.  Most likely after having sat in the garden in the sun for a number of hours.  Sometimes after a good sing a long with Simzy, if it was a Sunday.  We would look out over the high street and watch the locals coming and going, sometimes a few foxes too. Often we would have an iphone in a glass to amplify the sound, for music. We would chat, play drinking games, laugh and just generally chill.  And literally chill, it would often be 1am before we came in from the terrace, when it would finally be cool enough to contemplate 

I look back at this time, and right now, those feel like the golden days.  Sure we all still had issues and problems, but we were together.  Most of the people that sat on that terrace are either scattered across the world or about to be scattered across the world.  Its times like this that I dearly miss Cate & Aaron.  I miss the in jokes – Aaron, please can you call me a cab?  You’re a cab! – I miss the cuddles and I miss the jam sessions that often went on till the wee small hours.  I miss the belonging that came with the 

I have not had a proper chat with my friends or family, both in London or at home for a long time, time has not been on my side.  Over the next week, I intend to reconnect, because quite frankly, I need them!  I would not be the person I am today without them.  The world is beginning to shift again and there are huge changes happening in my life, which leads to some pretty strange headspace, so bare with me peeps, its not all bad, just taking some getting used to!

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