Sunday, 14 April 2013

Tubes - they are not attractive places

What is it with me and men on tubes? Why does this seem to be the place where I get chatted up the most? The lighting is rubbish and most often I have my nose in a book and my ipod on. I hardly look my best and I am not very attentive...

So last weekend, I was battling a medium level hangover, and had promised to meet a friend on the South Bank. I had gotten up, made myself somewhat presentable and headed to my favourite local cafe for some sustenance before braving the tube. I had a delicious round of eggs bene, a fruit smoothie, and then after I had finished feeling squeamish from that had a pot of peppermint tea and a brownie. That had a crème egg baked into it. You know that there is something wrong when I am breaking out the peppermint tea. So after reading my book in the warmth of the cafe and feeling generally sorry for myself, I realised the time and headed out to catch the tube.

I decided to take the bus from Balham to Stockwell and grab the Northern line from there. I was standing on the platform when tube pulled in. I was standing where I knew that the exit would be at Waterloo, to make for a speedy exit. As the tube pulled in, a man on the tube caught my eye. He was staring at me and looking me directly in the eye. I gulped and got on the carriage and sat down opposite him. We barely broke eye contact during that 30 seconds. So I sat down and we stared at each other. After another 30 seconds I began to feel silly, he had his earphones in too, so I opened my book and started to read, very aware of his eyes on me. The next time I looked up, he was playing a game on his phone, but caught my eye nonetheless.

The tube got stuck at Oval for a few minutes and we both listened very attentively to the announcement, and both sneaked a shy smile at each other.

At Kennington, my delicious mystery man stood up and mouthed the words, 'Have a good day' to me and started to get off the tube. I mouthed 'You as well' and treated him to my biggest smile. He motioned for me to come with him. I just waved and blew him a kiss as the tube pulled away.

I relayed this story to my friend when we met up and told her that even though this encounter was really nothing more than two strangers smiling at each other, that it made me realise that I still have it and that even feeling like rubbish, I can still be attractive. She asked why on earth I had not gotten off the carriage and spoken to this man? There are a number of reasons for this, not in the least that he could have been a serial killer. But more likely, that the illusion and the thought of him is going to be much better than the real thing. And lets not forget I was still feeling very green around the gills. I would not have wanted to start it off feeling like that. And I am actually incredibly shy when it comes to men, I would have most likely tripped off the carriage, sworn and then said something really inappropriate and then his illusion of me would have been shattered.

So its better this way, us both remembering each other as the attractive flirty people on the tube. We will never have to deal with the grumpy versions of each other, argue about what to watch on tele, or clean up after each other. One day I will not be so shy, when someone asks me out, I will, firstly realise what they mean, and secondly say yes. And then according to my latest Scottish future seer, I will fall madly in love and be happy ever after. Apparently it has to happen if I am going through all the hassle of leave to remain. Its destiny.

So man on the tube, thanks. Thanks for making me smile, thanks for making me feel attractive and thanks for being so damn hot yourself.

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