Thursday, 24 May 2012

The 11th Hour Save

On Saturday I posted a blog that I had written from the heart.  As soon as I posted it, I began to think of all the things that I wished I had said, and hoped that I had done justice with my words.  Then I began to get a bit overwhelmed by the support that both my blog and my local recieved.  Currently there have been over 360 views of my blog.  It has been forwarded to all manner of people and I hope that they are reading it and thinking about the decisions that are currently being made.


On Saturday after much primping and preening, I arrived at The Castle a bit early to help set up.  We put on a party play list to try and lift our spirits and began getting the bar ready.  It was going to be the staff’s last shift together and my last time helping them out.  They were serving sandwiches and pork pies just like at a real wake, as well as a BBQ and a pig on a spit.  I buttered bread and handed out sammies.  There were drink specials as well, it was gearing up to be an amazing send off for this lovely lady.

The Blackboard

There was debate for a while as to what to write on the blackboard by the bar.  My fav and vote was for ‘Drink it dry, bitches’.  We settled on ‘The Castle Wake, Lets drink it dry’ and in the small print ‘Holy Sheet let’s get wasted.’ 
There was an air of defeat and sadness amongst the customers.  Many of them were dressed formally and there were hugs and good wishes all round.

At about 5 Jayson Norris, who used to play at the pub on a monthly basis, opened up the music for the evening.  It was like old times, dancing to his original ‘Window’ and reminiscing with friends about times that had gone by in the pub.  Nostalgia was setting in.

Jayson was followed by the Buffallo Twins.  They really got the party going as the pub began to fill.  Halfway through their set, Aaron took the microphone and the mood in the pub dropped.  The pub was really closing and here was the final announcement.  Aaron started by thanking his lovely Cate, Dale Ingram who has worked tirelessly to save The Castle, and everyone who loved and patronised the pub.  Then came the bombshell.  ‘The Castle Battersea was supposed to be closing today’… a rustle went through the crowd.  Did he say supposed too?  Then Aaron announced that The Castle Battersea was to stay open.  The pub exploded.  It was like NZ had won the World Cup all over again.  There were tears (mainly mine), there were cheers, there were hugs and lots of jumping up and down.  My good friend Roxy was sobbing with delight and relief, we hugged for a long time.   Some of the patrons had to approach Aaron shamefaced and say,’ I’m sorry we thought that you were closing, so we carved our names in the table! ‘  Hahahaha that is now a piece of history at The Castle.

It turns out that the development company have decided to let Cate and Aaron stay until they have sorted out the planning application further.  It could be until about September.  The details are still a little sketchy.  From what I understand they are still looking to change The Castle considerably.  There will be a consultation event next week to be held in the pub (umm rubbing salt in the wound anyone?) on the 12th of June.  Get down everyone and tell them that you want your pub to remain as is and where is.  Will we really be able to have live music in the pub if there are flats upstairs?  Fools.

Me and my veil
So after this announcement the party turned into a Reprieve party.  And party we did.  It’s been a long time since I have danced so much.  I boogied until my feet fell off.  Brooke Supple saw us out, she sung us through to the end of the night and did a great job.   She was her smiley, bubbly self and we all went nuts.  The patrons were in a great mood, there was a queue for the bar for the rest of the night.  The pub had to close at midnight, but everyone was in a party mood.  It took ages to clear out and for us to clear up.  Sometime around 1am I had a nap on the couch.  I felt a bit like a broken doll.  I was sore from working hard and can only imagine what the real staff were feeling. 

I guess what really needs reiterating, is that this was an 11th hour save.  This was not a sham to get people in the door.  The staff have already found new jobs, although you might see their faces for a little while here and there helping out as Cate and Aaron scramble to hire new people.  And of course they will be there but on the other side of the bar for a change in the future.  The reasons the pub needed to close for this week range from restocking as they had run down the food and drink stocks, maintenance, and all of the administration that goes with closing a business and then reopening it.  I can’t really speak for Cate and Aaron, but I am quite sure that they are delighted.  I know that they are working hard to get ready to reopen tomorrow night.  I also know that they have the backing of their friends, their families and the local community.  Last night as I was leaving their place for dinner, I bumped into a few of the regulars, who were wandering aimlessly, who told me they did not really know where to get their Staroparmen now that The Castle had closed.  They were looking forward to the reopening tomorrow and I will be looking forward to seeing them there.

So my 11th hour save came through, just like the movies.  It is only a temporary save, but we can still keep fighting for a permanent save.  I would like to thank Cate and Aaron for their friendship and their tireless work to save their pub for both themselves and the locals.  Also thanks to Dale for her work in saving this pub.  I will see you tomorrow night for a pint and celebration.  Yay!

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