Thursday, 12 April 2012

Nearly a storm

I love a good storm.  I love it when the thunder and lightning fight it out in the sky and the air crackles with electricity.  The rain pelts and I want to stand under the eaves and be a part of it.  In summer there is nothing better than an impromptu dance in a summer storm.  In winter there is a certain perverse pleasure in being inside warm and cosy and watching a storm.  When it’s raining and stormy like that, I feel like my mood is matched by the weather.

So you can imagine my excitement this afternoon when there was a crack of thunder so loud that it made the windows rattle in our building.  However it was not to be, there was no pelting rain, just a lot of dark clouds that must have been as frustrated as me waiting for the chance to rain.  There have been the odd splotches of rain but nothing worthy of those black clouds.
This week has been interesting.  Short weeks are always a nightmare at work, everyone feels the same, 6 days work are shoved into 4 instead of the normal 5 and everyone is scrambling to hit deadlines.  I have been among those who have started work early and every night this week I have not finished before 6.30pm.  Which is unheard of for me.  It suddenly dawned on me on Monday, that I am going to Turkey next Thursday and now I am beginning to panic again.  It took till Thursday but the panic is back.  There are loads of deadlines to meet and there will be more when I come back from what will be a full on holiday.

But there have been some exciting moments this week.  I got tickets to fun.  Fun. are a band from the States that I have become ever so slightly obsessed with.  I have purchased their albums off Amazon and thrash them on my ipod.  They are a folky/poppy band that are brilliant for a sing-a-long.  The first set of tickets sold out in 3 mins flat.  Considering no one else that I know seems to have heard of them I was a bit stunned.  Yesterday when they announced that there were 150 extra tickets going on sale, I was hopeful but not convinced that I could get the 4 that I was after.  But after getting up early and downing the first energy drink since lent ended, I got them.  And by the way I won’t be having an energy drink anytime soon – I had the shakes and was so jittery.  No more, no more.  But I got the tickets!  A bargain at £8.50.

Ironically, a diet coke ad just came on the tele.  Ugch, I loved diet coke, and oh oh how I craved it for the entire of Lent.  It was all I wanted, I woke up thinking about it, I could visualise the first coke after Lent ended.  That is real addiction.  Imagine my disappointment when I was finally rewarded and I got to have it, and it was horrid.  It tasted nothing like I remember and it made my body feel awful.  I won’t be having that again.  In stark comparison, the first vodka and lemonade was beautiful.  Never has a drink looked so sparkly, so refreshing and so enticing.  It was lovely.  I choked a little on the lemonade bubbles, but oh it was lovely.

Another bright spot in today, the day of unrequited storms, is American Idol.  They just murdered Gotye and Kimbra, se below.  This song was introduced to me by a good mate on a road trip, and I have loved it ever since.  Not so great that they ruined it, but other than that I love perving at Steven Tyler and singing along to some of my favourite songs.  Oh and watching Steven Tyler perving at all of the girls!  It’s hilarious, he gets this glazed look in his eyes and you are just waiting for him to say – I like the dress you got on or you look good tonight.  He never fails to compliment legs in a short skirt.

Oh and don’t forget to check out Titanic in real time on twitter.  100 years ago on Tuesday just been, the Titanic left Southampton in the UK.  The twitter is by the history channel and there are some great moments, like today they said that they had been warned of ice fields but that nothing could sink this boat.  Oh the sick anticipation waiting for the tweet that says that they have hit the iceberg.  I don’t think that I can sit through the movie again though, once was enough.

Ok so got very off topic.  Back to the storms, I am wanting a big stormy release, I want the heavens to open, I want the streets to flood and the air to smell so clean and fresh like it does when the rain stops.  And then I want to get on the plane next week and enjoy 20+ degrees in Turkey.  I want to feel the sun on my skin and the panic subside.  What are you waiting for?  Do you love a good storm?  Or do you hide under the covers to avoid it?

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