Thursday, 7 July 2011

Grumpy Bum

So lately, I have been an absolute delight to be around, a ray of sunshine to all who come my way… Ok that is a total lie, I have been an complete and total nightmare and driving everyone insane.  My friends have been very tolerant but if I don’t sort it out soon I will be a very lonely girl.

There are a number of reasons why I have been so out of sorts.  I am pretty stressed out right now.  Work is frustrating at the best of times but this week has been hard, not made better by my attitude I am sure.  I am working my butt off but seem to not be crossing anything off my list.

And cause I have been working long hours, I have been getting up very early – ok not early for normal people, but early for me.  But then normal people are sleeping before 1am so I guess that I am up early.  I don’t do well on little sleep, in fact I do terrible.  The first thing to go is my memory of names, people I have known for ages become whoseamafloosit and whatsherface.  The next thing that happens is that I get massive bags under my eyes and then I run out of time to wear makeup, preferring to spend those five minutes in bed.
It could be that I have not had a decent work out in a while.  Last night at a Weezer concert, I danced till my little hearts content and that made me feel 100% better.  I wish that I had time for a boxing class before my parents arrive to work out this frustration.

And my parents are arriving in three sleeps!  I am excited as all get out, but I have 1,000,000 things to do before they get here and that is stressing me out.

I am eating everything is sight, just like Miss Pacman and that is stressing me out more.

My sister called me a cunt.  In jest but after a week of her not returning my texts.  That unsettled me.

I am watching The L Word to de-stress but to be honest it’s just making me want to internet date and meet someone nice. 

If my Mum were here, I would say Mittin Fittin and I am heading down to the garden to eat worms.  So I will hopefully be feeling better and I won’t have to say that.

So in short I am stressed.  And I am looking like hell on a stick.  I am a total nutter who has not been good to her friends.  I am excited about seeing my folks.  I am looking forward to feeling like a real human being soon.  

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