In you I see Dirty – it’s a line from one of my fav Smashing Pumpkins songs – Ava Adore. I really like this song for a number of reasons, but my strongest association of it is with my Dad. My Dad likes rock, he listens to a classic rock station in his ute and is a bit of a Pink Floyd enthusiast. My Mum, not so much. So when this song came on the aforementioned classic rock station, he was singing it at her, and go to the line ‘And I’ll pull all your crooked teeth, you’ll be perfect just like me’ she guffawed and gave him a look. The reality being that my Mum has perfect teeth. They were laughing at this and having a nice joke.
But when I heard that song the other day when my ipod was on random, it got me thinking about the line ‘in you I see dirty’. And it struck a chord. There are certain people that you can look at and just know that you are going to be good friends, or that you just know you are going to be very dirty with. I am sure that most people can relate to the look that passes between couples – let’s get out of here now. Or one that passes between strangers that says something very similar but perhaps in a more crude way – I want to bang you in the alleyway or your legs would look best wrapped around my hips. I have seen this look most often in a club on a dancefloor. And don’t lie you all know and love this look.
Perhaps it’s something to do with the primal instinct that comes into play when we were dancing and reacting to music. I am a big music person, and I have been known to start and finish the dancing on more than one occasion. There is something very animalistic about dancing and the way that it makes people react to each other. Films like Dirty Dancing show that it’s an emotive way to interact with others. Given the right music a dance floor can be a very prim and proper place or it can be a complete porn fest. I will never forget dancing in a waterfront bar in Auckland and hearing Christina Aguilera’s, Dirty, come on. The place became a scene from some sort of soft core video where people who seconds ago had been normal and having a bit of fun, bit lips and proceeded to take on the Dirty persona. If you were there that night – you will have a fair idea what happened next….
Or perhaps it’s something more instinctive than that. I was watching Wedding Crashers the other day. Cheesy I know but I love a good Rom Com and this one is a little quirky. The line – ‘True love is your soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another’ also struck a chord with me. There are some people in this world that you become friends with very fast, others it’s a long slow burn and others are your friends for a short while. It can be down to the smallest things. I bonded with a very good friend over a love of rubbish tele that no one else wants to watch. Another, our love of movies. Or it could be that you are crazy just like them. But early on in the relationship you saw something in them that you see in yourself.
Recently I have been described as a few things. Some of them have been lovely – smiley, cute, that dress looks nice etc. One of the most surprising ones though was sexually raw. Hmmmm not sure about that one at all. Yes, it’s true that I am up for a conversation about sex and its finer points any day of the week. We all love to chat about sex – deep down you know it’s true. And it can be hilarious to hear what others have experienced, likes, dislikes, the good, the bad and the very ugly. Maybe that is why I was described that way as I am very honest and frank about it.
This friend is writing some kind of book about sex and wanted to interview me about my experiences for it. My first instinct was - oh no what if my parents read it? Then I thought well why not. I am sure that they have their own experiences and whilst they are not sharing them with the world, I am a 30 year old woman for goodness sakes, they must have some idea what I am up to – whether they like it or not! Having said that living on the other side of the world means that I don’t really have to answer to anyone, so there is a certain amount of anonymity about it, as well as the strict don’t ask don’t tell policy that I seem to have with my family.
But when I heard that song the other day when my ipod was on random, it got me thinking about the line ‘in you I see dirty’. And it struck a chord. There are certain people that you can look at and just know that you are going to be good friends, or that you just know you are going to be very dirty with. I am sure that most people can relate to the look that passes between couples – let’s get out of here now. Or one that passes between strangers that says something very similar but perhaps in a more crude way – I want to bang you in the alleyway or your legs would look best wrapped around my hips. I have seen this look most often in a club on a dancefloor. And don’t lie you all know and love this look.
Perhaps it’s something to do with the primal instinct that comes into play when we were dancing and reacting to music. I am a big music person, and I have been known to start and finish the dancing on more than one occasion. There is something very animalistic about dancing and the way that it makes people react to each other. Films like Dirty Dancing show that it’s an emotive way to interact with others. Given the right music a dance floor can be a very prim and proper place or it can be a complete porn fest. I will never forget dancing in a waterfront bar in Auckland and hearing Christina Aguilera’s, Dirty, come on. The place became a scene from some sort of soft core video where people who seconds ago had been normal and having a bit of fun, bit lips and proceeded to take on the Dirty persona. If you were there that night – you will have a fair idea what happened next….
Or perhaps it’s something more instinctive than that. I was watching Wedding Crashers the other day. Cheesy I know but I love a good Rom Com and this one is a little quirky. The line – ‘True love is your soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another’ also struck a chord with me. There are some people in this world that you become friends with very fast, others it’s a long slow burn and others are your friends for a short while. It can be down to the smallest things. I bonded with a very good friend over a love of rubbish tele that no one else wants to watch. Another, our love of movies. Or it could be that you are crazy just like them. But early on in the relationship you saw something in them that you see in yourself.
Recently I have been described as a few things. Some of them have been lovely – smiley, cute, that dress looks nice etc. One of the most surprising ones though was sexually raw. Hmmmm not sure about that one at all. Yes, it’s true that I am up for a conversation about sex and its finer points any day of the week. We all love to chat about sex – deep down you know it’s true. And it can be hilarious to hear what others have experienced, likes, dislikes, the good, the bad and the very ugly. Maybe that is why I was described that way as I am very honest and frank about it.
This friend is writing some kind of book about sex and wanted to interview me about my experiences for it. My first instinct was - oh no what if my parents read it? Then I thought well why not. I am sure that they have their own experiences and whilst they are not sharing them with the world, I am a 30 year old woman for goodness sakes, they must have some idea what I am up to – whether they like it or not! Having said that living on the other side of the world means that I don’t really have to answer to anyone, so there is a certain amount of anonymity about it, as well as the strict don’t ask don’t tell policy that I seem to have with my family.
At the moment there is not really anyone that I can think of that I see dirty in. There is not really anyone that I can see non-dirty good clean family fun in either for that matter. And this is normally about the time when it smacks you in face like a wet fish on a random Tuesday morning and you are blindsided by something that you didn’t expect. I am kinda looking forward to that. Meanwhile, my Mum reads my horoscopes and tells me that I can expect this on the weekend of the 14th of May. How did my life come to that – my Mum scanning horoscopes in the hope that I will find love?
Maybe this weekend with all the Royal loving in the air I will see something in someone that will excite me or intrigue me some more.
So what do you reckon – are we that instinctual that we can communicate lust with a look? Do you think that opposites attract and the line from Wedding Crashers is wrong? (n.b. I am not foolish enough to take wedding advice from a Rom Com. I am crazy but not stupid).
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