I am not what you would call a devout catholic. In fact it would come as a surprise to many people that I was catholic at all. The last time I went to church was for the Christchurch memorial service, before that it was probably last Easter, which is nearly a year ago, and we were late as the internet told us the wrong mass times.
This is not to say that I don’t have a moral code and I am not a spiritual person. Far from it. I give thanks everyday for the people in my life and the things that I have – like a place to live and an ok job. Things that a vast majority of people in this world don’t have. I give thanks to whoever is listening – it’s a nice way to start and end the day.
So it comes as a bit of a surprise that most years of late that I pick something very challenging to give up for Lent and that I tend to stick very religiously to it. One year I gave up chocolate. I love chocolate. I will eat chocolate at any time of the day or night and my fav is Cadbury crème eggs – I cannot walk past a stand of them. So giving up chocolate at Easter was not an easy thing to do. I went through withdrawal like any addict and was a grumpy bitch for about two weeks before I got over it. What it highlighted to me though, was that just about everything delicious has chocolate in it. God help those with a chocolate allergy – that must truly suck. When Easter Sunday came around I could be found in a hotel room with a good friend sitting up in bed eating Easter eggs at just after midnight. We had just gotten in from a wedding. I was worried that I would get diabetes from that day alone.
This year I have given up energy drinks. I don’t drink tea or coffee. I don’t even really like the smell of coffee, but I can understand its addiction. I have bourne witness to people who cannot start the day without their fix. I get my caffeine fix from V – my drug of choice. When I can’t get V its close second sugar free Red Bull steps up. How I love thee. And then there are the numerous yummy memory loss drinks that go with Red Bull. Jager bombs being what I was most familiar with, but have recently been introduced to Skittle bombs and after this hell is over I will be trying a Glitter bomb. Although having had a shot of Goldshlager last night I am not really looking forward to that.
Over the last two weeks I have been a bit of a nightmare to be with. When I have not been lethargic due to lack of energy given by these mothers little helpers, I have been a raging maniac. That is not an understatement I have been a crazy woman who I don’t really recognise. Yesterday was a day of rage, which seemed to be placated by vodka and a few shots of baby Guinness. Today after a week of not being able to get up, I was wide awake at 6.30am. I am now waiting for the crash that will most likely come when I want to go to work at 1pm and can’t have an energy drink to combat.
The main point of all of this is that I know that I will be a healthier person at the end of this hell on earth sorry lent. I will no longer be an addict and my mind will be free of needing to be kick started by a sugary drink. And the massive bonus – my soul will be happy.
So what if anything did you give up? Are you too a lapsed Catholic that still holds some of the traditions dear?
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