Here is a list of things that I am thinking about right now. I wish I could write more but there is no time and the weather is making me melancholy...
- I need to blog more.
- I am missing my friends whilst I am in a self imposed exile of filling in forms and saving money
- Someone needs to come up with a sponsorship programme for singles who cannot afford to go internet dating due to their outrageous prices that are designed to make you feel both like a loser and undeserving of love at the same time
- Dating websites have the same effect as glossy mags on women, they tamper with our self esteem
- Homeland is genius and deserves lots of awards. I love the ‘gaydates’ Craig and I have to watch it
- I am thinking a lot about moving home next year
- I really want to go to Glastonbury
- Gin is playing this week and I only just found out.
- As much as I love going to the gym and being sweaty with lots of other people, my love of chocolate will always win out.
- Green and Blacks need an award for finally making mint chocolate fondant. Hallelujah.
- Smash was a brilliant series and I love the songs. Judge away.
- The programme Parenthood makes me think of my family, as they are as close knit and nuts and the fictional family.
- My tailbone hurts a lot, the beanbag helps, but Abby my wonderful chiro would help more. Roll on next week.
- I wish that I could sing/dance/play an instrument other than a tambourine so that I could be on shows such as Glee or Smash, they seem like real fun.
- I am worried about The Castle closing.
- I lie awake at night worrying about money and it sucks.
- My closest friends here are leaving me next year and that sucks too.
- I have three pregnant friends at home and I am gutted that I won’t be there for the babies when they are babies.
- Why did it take 6 months for my postcards from Turkey to reach the kids in NZ? In my mind I see a man with a Turkish turban towing a shisha pipe hand delivering them with a few pieces of Turkish delight thrown in to make up for the delay.
- London in Winter is miserable, the grey infects the soul and the skin, everything turns grey.
- I really want to do a walking holiday at Hadrian’s Wall next year - who is in?
- I have just discovered Gangam Style and think its hilarious